Suburban Oasis: Crafting Privacy and Beauty

Innovative Landscaping Transformations for Ultimate Backyard Serenity

At Shades of Green, we redefine suburban living with our unique approach to creating privacy and enhancing outdoor spaces. Our dedication to planting mature trees and constructing substantial berms transforms your backyard into a secluded retreat, ensuring full privacy from the outside world. Our projects are a testament to our commitment to creativity and sustainability, utilizing onsite materials to elevate the natural landscape. Experience the tranquility of a private oasis, right in your own backyard.

Beyond privacy, our landscaping projects are a symphony of structural integrity and aesthetic beauty. From engineered stone walls that stand the test of time to intricately designed lighting systems that highlight every detail, we ensure each element is perfectly in place. Our collaboration with Windsor Custom Building to create screened-in porches and cozy basement areas adds a layer of comfort and functionality, making your outdoor space not just a view, but a living experience. Dive into the craftsmanship of Shades of Green, where every project is a step towards transforming your suburban home into a haven of peace and beauty.